Case Study

Renovation Sells ClickUp & Zapier Automation

ClickUp & Zapier Automation

The Problem

The client, a leader in home renovations that will sell your home, came to us needing help to resolve inefficiencies in their project management process.

When a new project came in for the designers, the client was required to complete the intake form. The completion of this form triggered the creation of a task in ClickUp in 1 of 4 lists, depending on the location of the renovation. The designing process would then take place in ClickUp.

However, when the task was created, it wouldn’t always end up in the right list, all the crucial information from the form was missing. This meant the designers had to manually fill out the ClickUp custom fields from the form or be constantly working between multiple tabs, which halted the flow of information in the company and took time away from the actual designing process.

What We Did

We implemented a complex automation via Zapier that when the form (a gravity form on a wordpress site) was submitted, the task was filtered so that it was created in the correct list for the designers based on the location - there were 4 possible lists where the task could end up.

All of the information was extracted from the form and mapped into the correct custom fields in ClickUp, so the designers had the critical information they needed for their work.

We used lookup tables so that data from the form could be mapped into dropdown fields in ClickUp (this is not possible without the use of lookup tables), so that dropdown data could be shown in graphs in ClickUp dashboards.

We were also able to post the contract and intake form answers as an attachment in the task, which the designers also required.

The Result

  • 1-2hrs was saved per intake form submission (the variation is because the number of fields that were completed in the form each time varied), resulting in approximately 20-40hrs saved per month

  • The designers felt more focused and empowered that they weren’t stuck doing manual data entry so they could do more of what they are best at